Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 7: #17 New Technology


Here's a novel car design idea. Don't deploy airbags in a crash; build the car out of them to start with.It comes from a company called XP vehicle systems, which believes it has a chance in the Automotive X-Prize. That prize will award millions of dollars for producing a car capable of over 100 miles-per-gallon or equivalent energy economy.XP's idea is to have a vehicle made with a tough inflatable frame - like a Zodiac inflatable boat - on top of an electric chassis. Being lightweight means it can go further on a single charge - they claim up to 2,500 miles. XP even says it can be safely driven off a 25 foot cliff - apparently the air-filled shell will protect you like airbags did NASA's Mars Exploration Rover.

So, what is the big deal about inflatable cars?

* Prices start under $3000.00.
* You can drive them off a cliff, a few times in a row, and be OK.
* They have motors on every wheel.
* They can fold up (“flat-Pack”) for shipping
* They can carry lots of stuff.* They have issued patents on them.
* They all have iPOD holders.
* They plug into your house.
* You can charge them without an extension cord.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7: #16 Wiki

I explored iHCPL Sandbox wiki and posted my blog to the favorites list. I also added my favorite book and my favorite artist to the listings. I think a wiki can be utilized by the children's librarians at HCPL when they are writing their scripts for the puppet shows that they perform. This will give each member a forum to express their ideas, opinions and concerns about the skit.

Week 6: #15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Library 2.0 is an innovative approach in the way libraries function in today’s online world utilizing the principles of Web 2.0. The article, “Into a new world of librarianship” emphasizes the need for libraries to seek out information and news that may impact future services. It encourages libraries to stay in touch with what the customers want and need, especially the younger generation who have grown up with online information and are computer savvy. I believe HCPL recognizes how quickly the world and library users change with advancing technology and have provided tools and encouragement for everyone to excel in the “Web World”.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 6: #14 Technorati

Technorati Profile

Technorati was very interesting. It was amazing how you could narrow your results by doing an advanced search. I found the most helpful search was the "exact phrase".

Week 6: #13 Tagging

I explored and found it interesting. I can see the benefits of using this tool when you use more than one computer to search for information. I looked at the links for iHCPL and saw several ones that I have used for my blog. It is good to know that these sites are easily accessible if I choose to work on my blog from home.

Friday, October 12, 2007

An Attitude for Life!

Our lives are not determined by what happens; not by what life brings us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst...a spark that creates extraordinary results.

Week 5: #12 Library "Smurf" Elf

Library Elf is a wonderful tool. It is great to get reminders for books that are close to their due dates. The site also tells you what items you have requested. I already receive reminders from HCPL, but another reminder is always great for a super busy Sports Mom.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 5: #11 Library Thing


Goodreads was recommended to me by Brown Sugar's World. I found the site very user friendly and fun. Once I started adding books to my list, it was hard to stop. I included books that I have read, books I am currently reading, and books that I want to read at a later date. This was a very interesting and beneficial assignemnent.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5: #10 Image Generators

This was an exciting assignment. It was
fun changing the images to create my avatar.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Week 4: #9 Finding Feeds

I explored Feedster, Topix, Syndic8, and Technorati. There were numerous feeds that could be added to my blogline. I added a scrapbooking site from Topix.

Week 4: #8 RSS

Creating a blogline and adding feeds was very simple. I added 12 feeds to my blogline. I tried to add things from my favorites lists, but not all of them had RSS feedlines. I am not sure if I will use this site versus my favorites list.