Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wellness #41: Going Green - Part 1

I determined my carbon footprint at two different sites. National Wildlife Federation had my carbon footprint above average, whereas it was average when I used Yahoo! Green. National Wildlife Federation had some very helpful tips to conserve energy. I already recycle, have a timer on my water heater, turn off lights when no one is in the room, and change the furnace filter regularly. I try to set the thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer, but the young men are always so hot and keep turning it down. I will implement some of the other suggestions to conserve energy.

I enjoy going to farmer's markets. I use to go to the one in Hempstead, Texas on my way home from Bryan, Texas. There was such a large variety of fruits and vegetables, various stands in the area, and the prices were reasonable (slightly higher than the grocery store). I did not mind the price difference because the quality of the produce, aroma, and the flavor of fresh produce cannot be beaten. Since I no longer go to Bryan on a regular basis, I will start going to the market at Rice University on Tuesdays.

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